Primary School

Pricing Calculator

*Secondary schools are typically €9.95 per student, flat rate. Larger student numbers can be reviewed with Olus on a case by case basis.

Simply enter the number of students in the school to get an immediate quote for your schools. See ‘Projected Recurring Revenue Calculator’ below the ‘Pricing Calculator’. Click ‘Switch to Customer View’ for a view to use during video meetings or to share with customers.

Ire Price Calculator

Pricing Calculator

Number of Students:

Partner Level:


8 Weeks Access to Student Portal. Includes lessons for STEM, Google Workspace/ Microsoft 365, Online Safety, or Creative Tech.

Cost to School



Same as Essentials and 1 Year Staff Training

Cost to School

Initial Commission

Total Incl. Recurring Revenue

Full Plan

1 Year Access to Student and Teacher Portals with Full Curriculum

Cost to School

Initial Commission

Total Incl. Recurring Revenue


Same as Full Plan plus 4x Live Training Sessions and Email Support

Cost to School

Initial Commission

Total Incl. Recurring Revenue

Live, single off the shelf training available for €250, besopke training €350.

Projected Recurring Revenue:

Average Number of Students:

Renewal Rate:


Partner Level:

YearNumber of
New Schools
New RevenueTotal Revenue incl.
Recurring Revnue
Year 1------
Year 2------
Year 3------
Year 4------
Year 5------